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News, Stories, and Tips

How to cost out a host bar? We are frequently asked this question, when we meet with couples who are considering offering a host bar. We usually recommend that you budget for an average of 4 drinks per person, as you may have grandparents who won’t drink at all but you may have friends that will have 6 drinks.  Then you multiply the average cost of the drinks, which at Morgan Creek is approximately $5.75 each (before tax and gratuity).

If you estimate 100 guests at your wedding, multiplied by 4 drinks each = 400 drinks total. Now multiply this by $5.75 and your total is $2,300 plus tax and gratuity for a host bar. Please note that at Morgan Creek you are only charged for the actual number of drinks consumed.

Drink Tickets

If you decide to offer drink tickets, your budget is more concrete as you are offering a specific number of tickets. For example 2 tickets for each guest, based on 100 guests, equals 200 tickets.  We multiply 200 tickets by $5.75 = $1,150.00 plus tax and gratuity.

One advantage to this scenario is that guests are more aware of how many drinks they have had vs a host bar where guests seem to lose track quite quickly.

Getting your Guests home Safe

Making sure your guests have a safe ride home is essential and calling a taxi company to reserve taxi’s for your wedding is always a great idea. Your guests will really appreciate it. 


Tags: Wedding Tips

3500 Morgan Creek Way, Surrey, B.C. V3Z 0J7